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;$Id: gs_iter.pro,v 1.7 1997/01/15 03:11:50 ali Exp $
; Copyright (c) 1994-1997, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
; This function solves an n by n linear system of equations
; using Gauss-Seidel iteration.
; Linear Algebra.
; Result = GS_ITER(A, B)
; A: An N by N array of type: int, float, or double.
; B: An N-element vector of type: int, float, or double.
; CHECK: An integer value of 0 or 1 that denies or requests
; checking A for a diagonally dominant form.
; CHECK = 0 (the default) results in no checking.
; CHECK = 1 Checks A and reports if it does not
; meet the required condition. This is
; just a warning. The algorithm will
; proceed on the chance it may converge.
; LAMBDA: A scalar value in the range: [0.0, 2.0]
; This value determines the amount of 'RELAXATION'.
; Relaxation is a weighting technique that is used
; to enhance convergence.
; 1) LAMBDA = 1.0 (the default) no weighting.
; 2) A value in the range 0.0 <= LAMBDA < 1.0 improves
; convergence in oscillatory and non-convergent systems.
; 3) A value in the range 1.0 < LAMBDA <= 2.0 improves
; convergence in systems known to converge.
; MAX_ITER: The maximum number of iterations allowable for the
; algorithm to converge to the solution. The default
; is 30 iterations.
; X_0: An N-element vector that provides the algorithm's
; starting point. The default is [1.0, 1.0, ... , 1.0].
; TOL: The relative error tolerance between current and past
; iterates calculated as: ABS( (current-past)/current )
; The default is 1.0e-4.
; Upon output A and B are divided by the diagonal elements of A.
; Integer inputs are converted to floats.
; Note: These SIDE EFFECTS have been removed for IDL v5.0.
; The equations must be entered in a DIAGONALLY DOMINANT form
; to guarantee convergence.
; A system is diagonally dominant if it satisfies the condition:
; abs(A(row,row)) > SUM(abs(A(row,col)))
; where SUM runs col=1,N excluding col = row and A is in row major.
; This restriction on A is known as a sufficient condition. That is,
; it is sometimes possible for the algorithm to converge without the
; condition being satisfied. But, convergence is guaranteed if the
; condition is satisfied.
; Define an array (a) in a non-diagonally dominant form.
; a = [[ 1.0, 7.0, -4.0], $
; [ 4.0, -4.0, 9.0], $
; [12.0, -1.0, 3.0]]
; And right-side vector (b).
; b = [12.0, 2.0, -9.0]
; Compute the solution of the system, ax = b.
; result = gs_iter(a, b)
; Note: This example fails to converge, because A is not in
; diagonally dominant form.
; Reorder the array given above into diagonally dominant form.
; a = [[12.0, -1.0, 3.0], $
; [ 1.0, 7.0, -4.0], $
; [ 4.0, -4.0, 9.0]]
; Make corresponding changes in the ordering of b.
; b = [-9.0, 12.0, 2.0]
; Compute the solution of the system, ax = b.
; result = gs_iter(a, b)
; GS_ITER.PRO implements the Gauss-Seidel iterative method with
; over- and under- relaxation to enhance convergence.
; Erwin Kreyszig
; ISBN 0-471-55380-8
; Written by: GGS, RSI, April 1993
; Modified: GGS, RSI, February 1994
; 1) Format keyword is no longer supported. The matrix
; should be supplied in a row major format.
; 2) The input/output parameter X has been removed. The
; algorithm's initial starting point is an n-element
; vector of 1s. The keyword X_0 has been added to
; override the default.
; 3) GS_ITER is now called as a function, x = gs_iter( ).
; Modified: GGS, RSI, April 1996
; The input arguments are no longer overwritten.
; Added DOUBLE keyword. Modified keyword checking and use
; of double precision.
FUNCTION GS_ITER, A, B, Check = Check, Lambda = Lambda, Max_Iter = Max_Iter, $
X_0 = X_0, Tol = Tol, Double = Double
ON_ERROR, 2 ;Return to caller if error occurs.
TypeA = SIZE(A)
TypeB = SIZE(B)
if TypeA[TypeA[0]+1] lt 2 or TypeA[TypeA[0]+1] gt 5 then $
MESSAGE, "Input array (A) must be integer, float, or double."
if TypeB[TypeB[0]+1] lt 2 or TypeB[TypeB[0]+1] gt 5 then $
MESSAGE, "Input vector (B) must be integer, float, or double."
if TypeA[TypeA[0]-1] ne TypeA[TypeA[0]] then $
MESSAGE, "Input array must be square."
;If the DOUBLE keyword is not set then the internal precision and
;result are determined by the type of input.
if N_ELEMENTS(Double) eq 0 then $
Double = (TypeA[TypeA[0]+1] eq 5 or TypeB[TypeB[0]+1] eq 5)
;Set default values for keyword parameters
if KEYWORD_SET(Lambda) eq 0 then Lambda = 1.0
if KEYWORD_SET(Max_Iter) eq 0 then Max_Iter = 30
if KEYWORD_SET(X_0) eq 0 then X_0 = REPLICATE(1.0, TypeA[1])
if KEYWORD_SET(Tol) eq 0 then Tol = 1.0e-4
;Diagonal elements of input matrix.
Diag = A[LINDGEN(TypeA[1]) * (TypeA[1]+1)]
if KEYWORD_SET(Check) ne 0 then begin
Sum = TOTAL(ABS(A), 1, Double = Double) - ABS(diag)
caution = WHERE(Sum ge ABS(Diag), Count)
if Count ne 0 then begin
PRINT, "Input matrix is not in Diagonally Dominant form." & $
PRINT, "Algorithm may not converge."
;Precondition inputs.
;Divide the rows of A and B by the diagonal elements of A.
if Double eq 0 then begin
AA = A / (REPLICATE(1.0, TypeA[1]) # Diag)
BB = B / (Diag + 0.0)
X_0 = FLOAT(X_0)
endif else begin
AA = A / (REPLICATE(1.0d, TypeA[1]) # Diag)
BB = B / (Diag + 0d)
X_0 = DOUBLE(X_0)
Cond = 0
Iter = 0
;Begin the computational loop and continue WHILE
;the number of iterations is less than max_iter
;AND the relative error between iterations is
;greater than tol.
while(Iter lt Max_Iter and Cond eq 0) do begin
Cond = 1
Iter = Iter + 1
;Formulate x_0 as the row vectors of A.
for k = 0, TypeA[1]-1 do begin
xLast = X_0[k]
X_0[k] = Lambda * (BB[k] - (TOTAL(X_0*AA[*,k],1, Double = Double)) + $
(AA[k,k] * X_0[k])) + (1.0 - lambda) * xLast
if Cond eq 1 and X_0[k] ne 0.0 then begin
Error = ABS((X_0[k] - xLast) / X_0[k])
if Error gt Tol then Cond = 0
if Iter ge Max_Iter and Cond eq 0 then $
MESSAGE, "Algorithm failed to converge within given parameters."